Tired of googling
'help my
picky eater'?

Ditch the endless, random search for answers. Create your child’s Picky Profile in less than an hour to unlock the real reasons behind their fussiness.

Parents rated the Picky Profile 8.4/10*

We know navigating fussy eating is a real pain in the butt!

We like to think of Sprout as the soft cushion to that pain, providing you with…


Fussy eating is complex. Let’s help you cut through the noise and get right to what's going on.


Remember, it's not your fault, we'll walk you through 7 real causes & how they affect your child.


Reduce that mealtime stress through a clear understanding of what's going on with your child.

Parents who used Sprout said...

You're in safe hands

The Sprout Picky Profile has been designed by our leading child feeding team consisting of both NHS dietetic and PHD feeding psychology expertise. We’ve combined the latest responsive feeding research with years of experience* coaching parents into an interactive app to help you understand why your child is picky.


*While our guidance is from leading professionals it should not be considered medical advice at any time. If you are concerned about your child’s physical health or well-being at any point please speak to your GP or Paediatrician.

How does it work?


Your child is unique and so is their path to good eating. In 30 minutes you'll build your child's unique fussy eating profile through a series of engaging activities, lessons, and quizzes. The profile will then show you what factors, of 7, your child is HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW in.


Say goodbye to guesswork. Receive personalised guidance on how each factor impacts your child and what it means for your relationship. You'll be able to start targeting the root causes of your child's picky eating habits. The picky profile ensures you're looking for the right information to help you reduce fussy eating and find happier mealtimes.

Give it a try!

Your content is delivered through Bites – quick, easy-to-digest videos, stories, activities, and quizzes designed for busy parents like you. Why not give a Bite a try before you dive in?

BITE: Why we don't play the blame game .
