How picky is my child?

Take our free picky eater quiz to find out how significant your child’s pickiness is and how much it could be impacting your family life.

What you'll get

At Sprout, we’re all about helping you move past picky eating by getting to the root of the issues and creating a customised plan to tackle them. We’ll help you understand why your little one is fussy and work together on practical solutions that work for your family.

Step one is about really understanding whether it’s something you should be worried about in the first place. This FREE Picky Eater Quiz will help you do that. To help, we’ve broken the quiz down into two sections:

1. Picky Eating Score

The first part of the quiz will explore how comfortable your child is with food variety, how they cope with different environments and assess their eating skills.

parent and sad kid

2. Family Impact Score

Next, we’ll take a moment to explore how this impacts you and your family, your experience and your difficulty managing emotions, conflict and social events. 

lady questioning on the phone

What it means

We won’t label your little one as “fussy” or “not fussy”, instead, we’ll help you understand the spectrum they might lie on and how it relates to how you feel. We see all combinations, including; low fussiness / high impact and high fussiness / low impact. While no two families are the same you won’t be alone in what you’re dealing with and how it makes you feel. 

Please note that this quiz is for information purposes and is not a validated diagnostic tool or test.

Just want to get started tackling fussy eating?

You already know how fussy your child is and just want to do something about it? Explore some of our Sprout services and how they can help.