Ready to hurl that pasta bowl out of the kitchen window?

Don’t get stressed. Get Sprout.

Cooking for picky eaters can really get your water boiling. Sprout is filled with simple, effective activities to try today (and tomorrow). Our experts help you to turn your picky eaters into happy, curious food adventurers.

Limited places, get yours before checkout closes on Friday 24th March.

Searching for picky
eating advice takes time…

And we’re parents, you know. We don’t have much of that.

Fortunately, our feeding experts already did all the reading and academic research. They worked with hundreds of parents and children to see what works. Then, they squeezed alllll of that expertise into Sprout.

Inside the app, you’ll get proven strategies that you can put into practice in 10 minutes a day.

If it sounds easy, that’s because it is.

It starts with you.

All the stress, worry, and guilt that you’re feeling is normal, but it’s not helpful. 

Your child’s picky eating is not your fault, and we’ll keep repeating that. (It pops up in the app a lot.)

Sprout’s first challenge is to give you a calm and confident approach to dinnertime. You’ll find that the first part of the plan focuses on the way that you feel about food in your family – giving you practical tasks to increase your wellbeing.

So drop your shoulders, and take a big breath. Because peaceful mealtimes start with peaceful carers.

You’re feeding your child’s wellbeing.

When carers are less stressed and pressure is removed, kids feel free to experiment and discover.  They’ll try stuff, spit it out, talk about it, and discover…this can be fun!

But – we hear you thinking – how can you achieve that? How do you even begin to change the atmosphere at the table?

Let Sprout take the stress off.

In the app you’ll discover practical activities to help you reduce tension, make meals fun, and develop your kids’ sense of curiosity.

We’re not talking about cucumber origami. These are gentle steps that can be simply integrated with your daily routine. Take just 10 minutes from your day, and Sprout moves you towards your goal.

What’s that again? Oh, yes… 

Calm, confident, curious adventurers who approach mealtime with a smile

Meet Sprout's Experts

Next time you’re handling a meltdown due to a wrongly-chopped-apple crisis, remember you’re not alone. 66% of Sprout users have experienced tension and conflict with their kids about eating.

Who knows what’s happening inside a toddler’s mind when their orange is the wrong colour?

Turns out, our child feeding experts do.

“A quarter of children will refuse at least one food every day,” explains Lucy, Paediatric Dietitian & Head of Dietetics at Sprout. “Our mission is helping parents to alleviate stress but also creating an environment where children feel truly understood as individuals.”  

Lucy worked closely with feeding psychologist Dr Hazel Wolstenholme to develop Sprout’s training plan. Hazel has worked with over 100 families with eating challenges and presented her research all over the world (including our all-time favourite paper, “It’s like I’m eating brains”).

*While our guidance is from leading professionals it should not be considered medical advice at any time. If you are concerned about your child’s physical health or well-being at any point please speak to your GP or Paediatrician.

Step by step with Sprout

In the time it takes for pasta to boil, you can open the Sprout app and find an activity. It will take you through these key steps:

Step 1

Get your head in the right place.

Step 2

Develop structure and roles.

Step 3

Gradually introduce new tastes.

Every activity is science-based, but it’s also easy to implement (because we know you’ll be distracted any minute now).

Didn’t manage an activity today? That’s nothing – once we went 53 days without achieving anything.

We’re parents, it happens. Life gets in the way. You’ll progress at your own speed.

Whenever you’re ready….

What parents said after using Sprout

You’re not alone!

Although everything at Sprout is tailored to your child’s specific challenges, you are not alone in the battle with fussy eating.

80% of Sprout users say fussy eating has a big impact on how they feel.

70% are very worried about their child’s eating when they start.

66% experience tension and conflict over fussy eating.

We really believe a problem shared is a problem halved. You will join a community of parents and feeding experts supporting each other every step of the way.


We love questions (even more than we love lasagne). Got more? Get in touch via Chat (bottom right corner).

That’s a tricky one. You’ll get used to us talking about the fussy eating tower block – each block needs to be put into place for eating habits to start changing. Each child has a different number of blocks; some start to change after just one or two and others take a few more. What we do know is LASTING change depends on cementing those blocks. Try to be consistent, turning up and putting in the work, and you’ll start to see results.

Anything we could suggest would probably contain foods that your child doesn’t eat. If you already had this  problem elsewhere, experience tells us this can be pretty frustrating for parents. So let’s try a new way! Sprout will show you HOW to offer new foods – and how to move from your child’s current accepted foods to new foods. This is a more useful strategy for you to increase variety.


Instead of meal plans, we focus on strategies for making changes (very  slowly and subtly). Learn how to approach the dinnertime routine and how to set out meals that will interest your child – you’ll find strategies for making your meal plans inside Sprout, too. 

The Sprout app is designed to support carers to work through a plan which starts with a calm mindset and covers structure, relationships, roles and routines before moving on to strategies for introducing new tastes through food chaining. We use proven techniques (suggested by our nutrition experts, who are actively researching all the time). If you’re looking for different ideas or methods, you can always get in touch (via Chat – bottom right corner) and we’ll do our best to help you.

Jump on the chat below and we will try and get back as soon as possible (we are still a very small team so bear with us!).